MyKine Fitness

MyKine Fitness

आफ्नो शारीरिक स्वतन्त्रता पुन: प्राप्त गर्नुहोस् |Regain your physical freedom

सशक्त विचार, शारीरिक स्वतन्त्रता, भावनात्मक कल्याण | Empowered Thought, Physical Freedom, Emotional Wellbeing

हामी तपाइँलाई आत्मविश्वासपूर्वक व्यायाम गर्न, गतिविधिमा शान्ति पाउन र तपाइँको जीवनको उत्कृष्ट वर्षहरूको दिगो आनन्द लिन सुनिश्चित गर्न शिक्षा, फिटनेस, र सल्लाह प्रदान गर्दछौं। We offer education, fitness, and mentorship to ensure you exercise confidently, find peace in activity, and sustainably enjoy the best years of your life.

MyKine Fitness

हामी को होउँ? | Who are we ?

स्वागत छ, तपाईंको समर्पित स्वास्थ्य कोचिङ पार्टनर जो तपाईंलाई सक्रिय, पूर्ण जीवन पुन: प्राप्त गर्न मद्दत गर्न तत्पर छ। हामी व्यक्तिगत चुनौतीहरू, चिरकालिन दुखाइ, चोट र दीर्घकालिन रोगहरू संग संघर्ष गर्ने व्यक्तिहरूलाई मार्गदर्शन गर्न विशेषज्ञता राख्छौं। हाम्रो अनुकूलित दृष्टिकोणले शारीरिक बाधाहरू मात्रै होइन, तर पूर्ण रूपान्तरणको लागि मजबूत मानसिकता प्रवर्धन गर्दछ। Your dedicated health coaching partner committed to helping you reclaim an active, fulfilling life. We specialize in guiding individuals through their unique challenges with chronic pain, injuries, and long-term diseases. Our tailored approach not only addresses your physical hurdles but also empowers a resilient mindset for a holistic transformation. ​

MyKine Fitness

यस्ले कसरी काम गर्छ | How does this work

खोज कल | Discovery Call

खोज कलले निर्धारण गर्छ कि हामी तपाईंको आवश्यकताहरू सम्बोधन गर्न उपयुक्त छौं कि छैनौं। हामी तपाईंका लक्ष्यहरू, तिनीहरूको महत्त्व, र कुनै पनि अवस्थित अवरोधहरूबारे छलफल गर्नेछौं। The discovery call determines whether we're the ideal fit to address your needs. We'll discuss your goals, their significance, and any existing obstacles.

परामर्श | Consultation

भर्चुअल परामर्शले लक्ष्यित योजना बनाएर समाधानको लागि चरण सेट गर्दै, तपाईंको समस्याको मूल भागमा गहिरो अध्ययन गर्छ। The virtual consult delves deep into your issue's core, setting the stage for a solution by crafting a targeted plan.

मूल्याङ्कन | Assessment

भर्चुअल मूल्याङ्कनमा प्रत्येक संयुक्तको लचिलोपन र गतिशीलताको पूर्ण मूल्याङ्कन समावेश हुन्छ, साथसाथै शक्ति, सहिष्णुता, र स्थिरता परीक्षणहरू तपाईंको विशिष्ट मुद्दाहरूमा सान्दर्भिक हुन्छन्, तपाईंको कार्यक्रमको ढाँचामा मार्गदर्शन गर्दछ। Virtual assessment involves a thorough evaluation of each joint's flexibility and mobility, along with strength, tolerance, and stability tests pertinent to your specific issues, guiding the formulation of your program.

कार्यान्वयन | Execution

हामी तपाईलाई शिक्षा, सल्लाह, र आत्म-आश्वस्त स्वतन्त्रताको लागि अभ्यासहरू प्रदान गर्दै कामलाई सहयोग गर्छौं। तपाइँको कार्यक्रम तपाइँको विकसित लक्ष्यहरु संग पङ्क्तिबद्ध र नियमित पुन: मूल्याङ्कन को आवश्यकता संग दैनिक रूपान्तरण गर्दछ। We collaboratively tackle the work, providing you with education, mentorship, and exercises for self-assured independence. Your program adapts daily, aligning with your evolving goals and necessitating regular reassessments.

स्वतन्त्रता | Freedom

हाम्रो कार्यक्रम सफल हुन्छ जब तपाईं आत्मनिर्भरताको बिन्दुमा विकसित हुन्छ, तपाईंको वरपरका मानिसहरूलाई सकारात्मक रूपमा प्रभाव पार्दै। Our program succeeds when you evolve to a point of self-sufficiency, influencing those around you positively.

हाम्रा ग्राहकहरूले हाम्रो बारेमा के भनिरहेका छन्? | What are our clients saying about us ?

मिग्मा पेशेवर, धैर्यवान छ, र सफल हुन व्यक्तिगत समाधान प्रदान गर्दछ। स्वस्थ जीवन शैली कसरी जिउने भनेर सिक्नुको साथसाथै, मैले आधारभूत फिटनेस सिद्धान्तहरू सिकेको छु ताकि म आफैं सुरक्षित र प्रभावकारी रूपमा व्यायाम गर्न सक्छु। मेरो फिटनेस यात्रामा मलाई मद्दत गर्नुभएकोमा Mykine र मिग्मालाई धन्यवाद। Migma is professional, patient, and provides personal solutions to succeed. Along with learning how to live a healthy lifestyle, I have learned basic fitness principles so I can exercise safely and effectively on my own. Thank you Mykine and Migma for helping me along my fitness journey.


I met Migma suffering from a sprained back injury and needing physical therapy. I wasn’t as active as I’d been in the past and definitely needed help getting back to a healthier me. Migma’s expertise in physical therapy helped recover and strengthen my lower back without the need of orthopedic surgery. Even during my recovery process, Migma began slowly integrating core and endurance training to further my goal of a healthier me. His personal approach and attentiveness to wellness goals, fitness and diet, allowed him to help me in ways that go beyond just working out in a gym. Migma has and continues to cater my workout program via app and personal sessions, to incorporate challenging but enjoyable exercises that are fun and rewarding. In the three months that I’ve worked with Migma so far, not only does my back feel great, I’ve lost weight without starving myself, I have more energy throughout the day and feel stronger and healthier. If you want life changes without completely changing your life, Migma is that guy.


I've been working with Migma for almost 6 months now and this program has helped me become more consistent with the workout. He will formulate a program based on your busy schedule and your goals. Since he's a PT specialist you can also utilize his expertise in that deparrment. His recovery stretches has helped me with my upper back issues as well


आफ्नो शारीरिक स्वतन्त्रता पुन: प्राप्त गर्नुहोस् |Regain your physical freedom

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